Trichiasis: Are Your Eyelashes Growing in the Wrong Direction? (2025)

Jul 07, 2021

I hope that most Americans have gotten into the habit of having their eyes checked once a year. No matter your age or stage of life, you should be having an annual eye exam. And, if you are having a problem with your eyes, schedule an appointment to see your eye doctor.

A lot of times, patients come to see me for a very specific reason instead of for their annual eye exam. They come to see me specifically because they have eyelashes that are turned around and are poking their eyes.

What is Trichiasis?

Trichiasis is the medical term for eyelashes that are misdirected or growing in the wrong direction.It's a problem that can be annoying at best, is usually painful, and can lead to devastating eye infections in the worst cases.

When eyelashes grow inward or towards the eye, they can rub against the structures of the front of the eye. If that is on the conjunctiva, or the white part of the eye, you can feel irritation or a foreign body sensation. If they rub on the cornea, the clear cover over the colored part of the eye, it can be painful, cause blurry vision, and have a potential for significant infection.

Trichiasis: Are Your Eyelashes Growing in the Wrong Direction? (1)

What Causes Eyelashes to Grow in the Wrong Direction?

Patients who have dry eyes often notice that their lashes will do this. It's not just something that happens as we age. It's definitely not that yourlashes forget how to grow properly.

There are several causes of eyelashes that grow in the wrong direction. The first can be the eyelid being in the wrong position. Because of tissue scarring or an eye surgery, the eyelids could curve inwards and cause the eyelashes to rub against the eye.

The most common cause of eyelash misdirection is from an overgrowth of bacteria and Demodex mites in your lashes. So, in addition to having eyelashes that are poking you in the eye, you also have an overgrowth of bacteria, known as Blepharitis.

Blepharitis is inflammation of your eyelids.Generally, blepharitis makes your eyes sting and burn, and there is redness, especially around the rim of the eye and crusting in the lashes. Overall, it is just super irritating.

3 Steps to Treat Trichiasis Caused by Blepharitis:

Step 1: See your eye doctor.

The first step is to see your eye doctor. You may need to have some eyelashes removed. The inward turning lashes must be plucked in order for them not to poke your eyes. Your eye doctor can do this and examine your eyes for damage done by the eyelashes.

Your eye doctor may treat the current infection or abrasion. You may alsoneed a stronger in-office treatment to get rid of the bacterial and Demodex overgrowths. If you want to hear more about that, then check out this blog.

Trichiasis: Are Your Eyelashes Growing in the Wrong Direction? (2)

Step 2: Remove Your Eye Makeup EVERY Night.

It is important for the health and care of your eyes to remove your eye makeup nightly. Every night, every trace of makeup must be removed from the eye lashes and eyelids. Otherwise, bacteria will grow on your lids and lashes while that mascara is still there.

I love Eyes Are The Story makeup remover towelettes. They are super simple to use and are individually packaged. You can take them anywhere. I always have one in my purse, in my gym bag, and my travel toiletry bag. To use them, just unfold that towelette and wipe gently at your lids and lashes. They'll simply remove all the eye makeup. If you don't have a non-toxic, non-irritating makeup remover, please download the list of makeup removers for sensitive eyes here.

Step 3: Start Your 4 Simple Step Dry Eye Treatment Regimen.

Now, the third thing you want to do, if your eyelashes have started to turn inwards is start a treatment regimen. You'll want to do this regimen twice a day every day just like you brush your teeth.

What is the 4 Step Treatment Regimen?

No. 1) Hydrate your eyes using lubricating eyedrops. I love the Optase Dry Eye Intense Drops. They are preservative-free so you can use them as often as you like. Try to use them at least twice a day.

No. 2) Cleanse your lids and lashes. I recommend using the Zocular foaming cleanser. Again, it is easy to use. Pump a little bit onto your finger. Get it on each fingertip and rub, rub, rub into your eyelashes for 20 - 30 seconds before you rinse it off. This is simple to do while you're showering.

No. 3) Use a warm compress mask. I prefer the UNclog Mask. It utilizes an Infrared light to generate the heat. This allows the heat to reach the inside of your eyelids better. Since that's where the oil glands live. Leave the mask on your eyes for 10 - 15 minutes twice a day to melt the oils that are clogged inside your oil glands.

No. 4)Give your eyes the nutrition that they need to heal by using a dry eye supplement. I recommend HydroEye. It contains DHA, EPA, GLA (gamma linolenic acid), and a couple of other nutrients that are building blocks for healthy tears. Check out this blog to hear more about HydroEye.

Trichiasis: Are Your Eyelashes Growing in the Wrong Direction? (3)

If this is your first time hearing about the 4 steps you need to treat your dry eyes, check out this blog that spells it all out.

Finally, most importantly, if you think that your eyelashes are turning in and poking you, you need to see your eyecare practitioner. They have special tweezers that they can use with special microscopes to pull those lashes out. What you need right away is relief. Don't allowthe eyelashes to continue to poke at your eyes.If you ignore this issue, you could end up with something very serious called a corneal abrasion, which could lead to scarring and infection on the surface of the eye. So go ahead and see your eye doctor today.


Having your eyelashes grow in the wrong directions can lead to series eye problems including infection, scarring, and loss of vision. If your eyelashes are bothering you, please see your eye care practitioner pronto.

Eyelashes don't grow in the wrong direction just because they have lost there way. There is something causing them to twist or turn. The most common cause is an overgrowth of bacteria or mites in the hair follicles. And, the best way to prevent this from happening is by removing your eye makeup at the end of each day.

If you don't have an eye makeup remover than is toxin-free and feels great on your eyes, download my makeup remover guide. The document will walk your through choosing the best remover based on your skin type, makeup habits and lifestyle. Then, it lists out a dozen products in 5 categories that not only remove all of your makeup, but leave your eyes feeling great as well. Grab your guide here.

Trichiasis: Are Your Eyelashes Growing in the Wrong Direction? (2025)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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